Distance Learning Resources - Minnesota Low Incidence Projects

These suggested resources have been submitted by MN DHH teachers and are not endorsed by any agency.

Tips for Workplace Ergonomics for Interpreters During Distance Learning

Shared by Nettie Peters
The list below links to external websites:

  1. Reach out to your school districts' PT/OT if you have specific needs and they could share resources for your area.
  2. zaboosh.com
    Most recent online workshops with tips on "how to set up your area at home".  Minnesota State Academies Interpreters.
  3. Other Resources Related to Interpreters and Ergonomics
    1. Mayadewit.nl Coronavirus Info for Interpreters
    2. Uhs.berkeley.edu - Ergonomics Tips for Working at Home.pdf
    3. Avlic.ca OHS Guide for SLI.pdf

Professional Development Resources

Remote Interpreting Through Zoom

Zoom is temporarily lifting the 40-minute time limit on free Basic accounts for schools affected by the Coronavirus. Here’s how to get access for your school:

  • Step 1: Sign up for a basic account: https://zoom.us/
  • Step 2: Then on the page linked below, fill out the information for your school to remove the 40 minute time limit for anyone on your school’s domain after verification. Personal email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook are not eligible. https://zoom.us/docs/ent/school-verification.html  

Please send additional resource suggestions to Mary.Cashman-Bakken@state.mn.us

Note: The resources listed above link to "external websites" which may not be accessible for the viewer, screen readers and other assistive technology devices. If you need assistance, please email the "Contact Information" person listed at the bottom of this page.

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Contact Information

Mary Cashman-Bakken J.D., Minnesota State Specialist: Deaf and Hard of Hearing
VP 507-412-5214, Mary.Cashman-Bakken@state.mn.us