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EHDI Information Packet for Clinical Audiologists

MN Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Interagency Initiatives: Information Resources for Clinical Audiologists on Referrals and Early Intervention Supports for Young Children with Hearing Differences, 2022


This resource has been developed to provide Minnesota clinical audiologists with an overview of current processes for connecting infants, toddlers, and preschoolers recently identified with hearing differences/hearing loss and their families to educational services and family supports. In Minnesota, educational services include Part C Infant and Toddler Intervention Services and Part B 619 Preschool Special Education services, both of which are offered to families of eligible children through the public school system at no cost to families, regardless of income level or immigration status.  Additional supports described in this resource include those offered to families through MN Hands & Voices’ Guide programs and the MN Deaf Mentor Family Program of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota. Links to information resources that clinical audiologists are asked to share with families of young children with hearing loss as part of the MN interagency EHDI system are also provided.

First steps after identifying a child who is deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing - YouTube
(6:21 hours, minutes), Sep 16, 2022. A quick guide for Clinical Audiologists in Minnesota.

This resource is divided into five parts, with topics outlined below. A list of Quick Links to the online resources described in each part is also provided.

Part 1: MN Department of Health EHDI System and Interagency Resources for Clinical Audiologists; Information to Share with Families (February 2022).pdf

Frequently Asked Questions Part 1.pdf

Part 2: Help Me Grow MN, Referral Information for Clinical Audiologists (February 2022).pdf

Frequently Asked Questions Part 2.pdf

Part 3: Clinical Audiologist & Educational Team Collaboration, Releases of Information, Sharing Children’s Clinical and Educational Information (February 2022).pdf

Part 4: MN Hands & Voices and MN Deaf Mentor Family Program (February 2022).pdf

  • MN Hands & Voices Role in Minnesota’s EHDI System on Behalf of the MN Department of Health
  • Connecting Families with MN Hands & Voices
  • MN Hands & Voices Supports for Families
  • MN Deaf Mentor Family Program Supports for Families

Part 5: Part C Infant and Toddler Intervention Services and Part B Preschool Special Education Services, Information for Clinical Audiologists (April 2022).pdf

Frequently Asked Questions Part 5.pdf

Quick Links to EHDI Information Packet Resources (April 2022).pdf 


This resource was developed in collaboration with:
Kathy Anderson, Statewide EHDI Specialist, MN Low Incidence Projects, *Retired 2022
MN Regional EHDI Teams’ Educational Audiologists 2020-2021 workgroup: Claire Schleicher (St. Paul Public Schools), Kim Austin (Intermediate School Districts 287, 917), Jenny Lien (Minneapolis Public Schools)
Darcia Dierking, Co-Coordinator, MN Department of Health EHDI Program
Laura Godfrey and Brenda Hommerding, MN Hands & Voices

With questions and comments shared by:

Clinical Audiologists from Children’s Hospitals and Clinics
Clinical Audiologists from the University of MN Fairview Hospitals and Clinics
Anna Paulson, Region 11 Help Me Grow IEIC Grant Project Coordinator
Mary Cashman-Bakken, State Specialist, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, MN Department of Education

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Contact Information

Jess Moen
Statewide Specialist, Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
Office: 612-638-1508
Cell: 218-209-6487

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