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Physically Impaired


Physically Impaired (PI) is a low incidence disability area that is represented by approximately 1% of all students in Minnesota receiving special education services. PI is defined as a medically diagnosed, chronic physical impairment - either congenital or acquired - that may adversely affect physical or academic functioning and result in the need for special education and related services (MN Rule 3525.1337)

Physical and Health Disabilities Licensure and Tuition Support

Physical and Health Disabilities is a special education license identified by the State of Minnesota. Currently, Minnesota State University-Moorhead (external website) is the only institute of higher education in the state offering this licensure program. The graduate level program is offered as an add-on to an existing Minnesota special education teaching license. A transcript analysis determines the coursework needed to complete the licensure requirements with online courses offered.

The Minnesota Low Incidence Projects (MN LIP) has funds available to partially support students pursuing special education licensure in Physical and Health Disabilities. These funds are made possible with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). The intent of the tuition support program is to increase the number of Minnesota teachers licensed in Physical and Health Disabilities. The expectation is that teachers who benefit from tuition support would complete course requirements, pursue licensure and be available for employment.

An application process is required to obtain partial tuition support. Additional information and an online application are available at Tuition Support for Low Incidence Areas webpage (external website).

Physical and Health Disabilities Teacher Scope of Practice

MN Administrative Rule 8710.5800 Physical and Health Disabilities Teacher Scope of Practice (external website)

Student evaluation requires a licensed Physical and Health Disabilities (P/HD) Teacher. A licensed P/HD teacher is also a required member of the Individual Education Program (IEP). This teacher often serves in an itinerant role and typically provides indirect consultative services. A P/HD teacher works collaboratively with the team in addressing a student’s educational needs that result from a physical impairment. A professional manual and other resources can be found on the PI Resources page.

Contact Information

Kelly Bredeken, Ed. S., Statewide P/HD Specialist
MN Low Incidence Projects

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