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Tuition Reimbursement for Low Incidence Areas

Regional Low Incidence Tuition Reimbursement

The intent of the tuition reimbursement program is to increase the number of available teachers licensed in low incidence disability areas. In Minnesota, there are 11 educational regions, and each region has funding available in licensure areas based on the needs of the region. The available funding, amounts, and timelines may also vary by region.

Statewide Low Incidence Tuition Reimbursement

Additionally, there are statewide funds available for individuals pursuing Blind/Visually Impaired, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and Physical/Health Disability licensure areas. If you are pursuing any of these 3 licensure areas, you may also apply for the Statewide Low Incidence Tuition Reimbursement, within this electronic application process.

Funding for student support is made possible with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education to the Minnesota Low Incidence Projects at BrightWorks. This source of the funds is federal award Special Education-Program to States, CFDA 84.027A. It is possible that partial tuition support may continue to be available in the future. 

Get started by completing this common Low Incidence Tuition Reimbursement Application (Formstack).

Contact Information

Regions 1 & 2

Nicole Eck

Region 3

Heidi Halker

Region 4

Mary Ann Martin

Regions 5 & 7

Nan Records

Regions 6 & 8

Cassandra Gohman

Region 9

Holle Spessard

Region 10

Christian Wernau

Region 11

Ingrid Aasan

Statewide Low Incidence Tuition Reimbursement, Program Coordinator

Barb Lhotka

Judy Wolff Library

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