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School District Resources for Hiring and Mentoring Interpreters

  1. Minnesota Regional Low Incidence Project - Region 11 logoThe school district reviews the Checklist for ASL Interpreters; Procedures for a School District Hiring a Sign Language Interpreter.

  2. Non-certified ASL interpreters and the district must apply for a two-year provisional certification from the MN Department of Education (Two-Year Provisional Form for Interpreters Deaf/Hard of Hearing)

  3. The district hires a mentor for the non-certified educational ASL interpreter. See requirements for mentors.

    Region 11 (metro) districts: Contact Ann Mayes for assistance in locating a mentor. For districts in other regions of the state, contact your regional low incidence facilitator (RLIF).

  4. Mentors meet with the non-certified educational ASL interpreter every seven (7) days.

  5. Within 30 days, the district, mentor and ASL interpreter create an Educational Plan that is updated yearly.

Contact Information

Mary Cashman-Bakken, Minnesota State Specialist: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Minnesota Department of Education, mary.cashman-bakken@state.mn.us

Ann Mayes, Region 11 (Metro) Professional Development Specialist - Educational ASL Interpreter Mentor Community of Practice, 612-638-1527, ann.mayes@brightworksmn.org

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